Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Yoruichi's past

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Younger years:

Yoruichi Shihōin was born the princess of the Tenshiheisōban (天賜兵装番,House of Godly Gears), The Shihōin family, one of the four noble families. Yoruichi grew up at the Shihōin Mansion in the Seireitei of Soul Society, with her childhood friends Kisuke Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi. During this time they played together daily under the Sōkyoku hill training space, which Urahara built when they were children.

Gotei 13 years:

Yoruichi became the Corps Commander of the Executive Militia of the Onmitsukidō while serving as the 22nd generational head of the Shihōin family, the first woman to ever hold the position. Some time later she would serve as Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidō as the position is traditionally held by the heads of the Shihōin family. She eventually rose to the position of Captain of the 2nd Division of the Gotei 13 further uniting the former separate military arms together as this was also traditionally done by her family.

While Yoruichi was Onmitsukidō Commander, she took in Suì-Fēng as a personal bodyguard. Recognizing her talent she became a mentor and friend. She taught Suì-Fēng most of the techniques she knew. During her time in Soul Society, she created many techniques that involved Shunpo, as well as teaching some of them to Byakuya.

About 110 years prior to the current time Yoruichi recommended that Kisuke Urahara, her 3rd Seat, be appointed to the recently opened position of Captain of the 12th Division after the former Captain Kirio Hikifune was promoted. 

A day or so after Urahara took over the 12th Division, Yoruichi was told by a Onmitsukidō member that Urahara had entered into the Detention Unit property with claims that he was previously given approval to go. Yoruichi couldn't seem to recall when or even if he asked for permission or whether she granted it; but when asked if she wanted him removed, she nonchalantly told her division members not to bother and to allow him to go where he liked. When asked if she had remembered the incident in question, Yoruichi plainly said no. Suì-Fēng became distressed and prepared to voice her disapproval, though Yoruichi told her to calm down as it was Kisuke they were talking about, stating he must have had an idea of some kind.

On one such occasion, she was asked to train Byakuya by his grandfather Ginrei Kuchiki, the head of the Kuchiki family as well as the 6th Division captain. Upon seeing the arrival of Yoruichi, Byakuya swung his sword at her and called her a were-cat. Yoruichi laughed and playfully began to tease him, calling him 'Little Byakuya".  Byakuya yelled at her saying that he didn't want to see the likes of her and that he would be the head of the Kuchiki clan soon enough, so he had no time to waste on her. While asking if that is the case she stole the ribbon holding his hair back. Byakuya quickly turned and swung his sword at her, but she easily dodged it.

Yoruichi laughed at him and exclaimed that if the head of the Kuchiki clan could get his hair-tie stolen by a girl who is just playing, then the future of the Kuchiki Clan had become bleak, although this was just a ploy in order to entice him into another game of tag. Not to be defeated so easily, Byakuya told her not to move an inch, but before he could finish she told him that he couldn't catch her as she used Shunpo to begin the chase. Byakuya plainly stated that he could see that she wished to incite his wrath and he so promised to make her see the error of her ways, further making the claim that his Shunpo was far superior to the likes of hers.

9 years later Yoruichi is seen at an emergency meeting of the captains of the Gotei 13, where the Captain-Commander was giving an intelligence report on the unknown disappearances of the 9th Division captain Kensei Muguruma and lieutenant Mashiro Kuna as well as the other high ranking members of their division. Yamamoto stated they had previously been sent out to investigate the disappearance of other division members. He then declared he will choose 5 captains to form an investigation team. When a very winded and frantic Urahara showed up to ask that he be allowed to go with the investigation team as he had previously sent his lieutenant Hiyori to the sight of the disappearances, he was summarily told no by Captain-Commander Yamamoto. When he protested he was chastised by Yoruichi, who told him he was acting pathetic and that he should get a grip on himself. She further stated that he sent Hiyori himself, and that for him to lose his composure like that only insulted her.

The next day, before either of their sentences could be executed a masked Yoruichi entered the building knocking the guards unconscious and rescuing the disgraced former captains. Yoruichi brought them to a secret underground area. In this secluded area, she berated them on how mad she was at them for excluding her from their plan. She also revealed that she had brought the eight Hollowfied Shinigami, along with the new prototype Gigai that Urahara was working on. With that epiphany, Urahara resolved to make ten reiatsu-blocking Gigai to aid him & Tessai. Tessai then stated his worry about Yoruichi's safety, but she calmly stated that they should not worry about her as she would escape somehow.

Source: Bleach Wiki

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