Tuesday, November 15, 2011


He's just a modified soul (Kaizo Konpaku) that has the ability to run fast and his kicks are stronger. He's a pervert anywhere and anytime. Although he's stupid everytime, he's one good at friendship. He also said that he won't kill anything even it's a line of ants. This was his epic line in episode 6.

"Kon: Y.. Yeah! So what?! I ... I won't kill anything!! Right after I was born, Soul society ordered the mod souls to be destroyed... And the day after I was born, I was already chosen to die! Everyday, while I was in that pill, I was afraid. As I watched my friends disappear each day. Even after I got lucky and escaped the storage among other pills, I feared being discovered and killed. ...As I trembled in fear, I would think... Life isn't something that should be taken by others. I was born like this! I should at least have the right to live and die freely!! Whether it's humans or insects.... or even us.. it's the same... That's why I won't kill.. I won't kill anything.. !"

Well, he's still a perverted lion anyway. Haha..

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